2016 Regulations Archive
LCB File No. R001-16 - Fund for Administration/Enforcement - Annual Fees, filed with the Secretary of State on June 28, 2016, amended chapters 679B and 680C of the NAC.
LCB File No. R006-16 - Force -placed Insurance, filed with the Secretary of State on June 28, 2016, amended chapter 686B of the NAC.
LCB File No. R007-16 - Service Contracts, filed with the Secretary of State on June 28, 2016, amended chapter 690C of the NAC.
LCB File No. R008-16 - Evidence of Insurance, filed with the Secretary of State on June 28, 2016, amended chapter 690B of the NAC.
LCB File No. R075-16 - Reporting Requirement of Third Party Administrators, filed with the Secretary of State on November 2, 2016, amended NAC 683A.155.
LCB File No. R108-16 - Requires insurers and groups of insurers to engage in internal audits, filed with the Secretary of State on November 2, 2016, which amends Chapter 680A of the NAC.