
Regulation Hearing: R157-24 Title Agent Residency Requirement

When: Thursday, March 13, 2025 2:30 PM - 5:00 PM

Where: Virtually via Webex and in person at the Division's Carson City and Las Vegas offices


See Notice of Intent to Act Upon Regulation and Hearing Agenda

Other materials related to this regulation can be found on the Division’s website here: https://doi.nv.gov/News-Notices/Regulations/.

To join by Webex, click on the URL and enter the meeting number when prompted.

URL: https://doinv.webex.com/doinv/j.php?MTID=m5d0eace718e63e29b2643654f92cbd51 
Meeting Number: 2863 343 5884

To join by telephone, call the toll-free number and enter the access code when prompted.

Phone-in Access: 1-844-621-3956 United States Toll Free
Access Code: 2863 343 5884

To attend in person, the following physical locations are being made available:

Nevada Division of Insurance
1818 E. College Pkwy., Ste. 103
Carson City, Nevada 89706 

Nevada Division of Insurance
3300 W. Sahara Ave.
Red Rock Room, 4th Fl., Ste. 440
Las Vegas, Nevada 89102