Contact: Yeraldin Deavila, Public Information
Phone: (775) 600-5013
Nevada’s Consumers get First Look at 2022 Proposed Health Insurance
Rate Changes
Carson City, NV –
Starting today, Nevada consumers who shop on the individual health insurance market
can view requested rate changes from health insurance companies interested in
participating in the individual health insurance market for Plan year 2022
The Nevada Division of Insurance (Division) has received and
public on its website proposed health insurance average
rate changes for plans compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA) sold on and
off the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange (Exchange), the state agency
that oversees and connects eligible Nevada residents to affordable health and
dental plans through Nevada Health Link.
“The Division is committed to being transparent in the rate
review process and is working diligently in reviewing these requests from
carriers,” said Insurance Commissioner Barbara Richardson. “As always we
encourage consumers to get involved in the process, review these proposed
changes and start thinking about enrolling in health insurance when Open
Enrollment begins on November 1.”
Based on rate filing submissions the Division received for
PY22, overall, in the individual market, the average rate change is 4.2 percent
with a total of nine companies and 138 metallic plans from which consumers can
The proposed average increase for health insurance plans
sold On-Exchange through Nevada Health Link
is 4.1 percent. Seven insurance companies submitted proposed rate filings with
up to 87 individual health plans from which consumer can choose. Those insurers
are as follows:
Health Plan of Nevada
HMO Nevada
Friday Health Plan
Aetna Health
Hometown Health Plan
The proposed average rate increase for the Off-Exchange
market is 4.9 percent. Seven companies submitted proposed rate filings with up
to 51 individual health plans from which consumers can choose. Those insurers
are as follows:
Health Plan of Nevada
Sierra Health & Life
Hometown Health Plan
Hometown Health Providers
Aetna Health
The Division is currently reviewing such requests but would
also like consumer’s input on the proposed rate changes. The Division
encourages consumers to review these rate changes and submit their comments
through the Division’s website
before rates are approved later in the month.
Additional information on proposed rate changes can be accessed by viewing a summary of the proposed rate changes or by visiting the Division’s website at
Approved rates will be posted on October 1, 2021.
About the
Nevada Division of Insurance
The State of Nevada Division of Insurance, a Division of the
Nevada Department of Business and Industry, protects the rights of Nevada
consumers and regulates Nevada’s $18 billion insurance industry. The Division
of Insurance has offices in Carson City and Las Vegas. In 2020, the Division
investigated more than 2,300 consumer complaints, answered over 10,000
inquiries, and recovered over $4.5 million on behalf of consumers. For more
information about the Division of Insurance, visit DOI.NV.GOV.