
Network Adequacy Advisory Council

The Network Adequacy Advisory Council was established under regulation NAC 687B.770 for the purpose of recommending additional or alternative standards for determining whether a network plan is adequate. The Council recommendations must be provided to the Commissioner on or before September 15th, annually.

Commissioner Accepts Recommendation of Council

Letter of Acceptance signed by Insurance Commissioner Scott J. Kipper on November 2, 2023, acknowledges the findings of the Council's Report for plan year 2025 presented to the Division of Insurance on September 14, 2023.

2024 Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meetings:

June 20, 2024

Second meeting of the Council for Plan Year 2026 - Notice of Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meeting & Agenda. The public is invited to attend. The meeting will be held via video and phone conference. Information about how to access the meeting can be found on the agenda.  

Meeting Agenda 
Attachment 1

April 16, 2024

First meeting of the Council for Plan Year 2026 - Notice of Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meeting & Agenda. The public is invited to attend. The meeting will be held via video and phone conference. Information about how to access the meeting can be found on the agenda.  

Meeting Agenda 
PowerPoint Slides 

Agenda Item 4
Agenda Item 5b
Agenda Item 6a
Agenda Item 6b 
Agenda Item 7a (Phase I)
Agenda Item 7a (Phase II) 
Agenda Item 7b 
Meeting Recording
Meeting Minutes Approved



2023 Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meetings: 

September 07, 2023

Fourth meeting of the Council for Plan Year 2025 - Notice of Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meeting & Agenda. The meeting will be held via video and phone conference. Information about how to access the meeting, can be found on the agenda.

Meeting Minutes Approved 

August 10, 2023

Third meeting of the Council for Plan Year 2025 - Notice of Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meeting & Agenda. The meeting will be held via video and phone conference. Information about how to access the meeting, can be found on the agenda.   

Meeting Recording 
Draft Meeting Minutes

June 15, 2023

Second meeting of the Council for Plan Year 2025 - Notice of Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meeting & Agenda. The meeting will be held via video and phone conference. Information about how to access the meeting, can be found on the agenda.  


Approved Meeting Minutes 
Presentation By Agenda Item

Video Archive 
Advisory Session

March 16, 2023

First meeting of the Council for Plan Year 2025 - Notice of Network Adequacy Advisory Council Meeting & Agenda - The meeting will be held via video and phone conference. Information about how to access the meeting, can be found on the agenda. 


Approved Meeting Minutes


Video Archive 
Advisory Session

Network Adequacy Advisory Council Archives

 Plan Year 2024
Plan Year 2023
Plan Year 2022
Plan Year 2021
Plan Year 2020
Plan Year 2019
Plan Year 2018

For questions concerning Council matters, please contact the Division's Product Compliance Section, Life and Health staff, at productcompliance@doi.nv.gov or (775) 687-0737.