

Bulletin 24-001

Bulletin giving guidance to insurers on the handling of AI and AI systems during examinations. Read More

Bulletin 23-002

This bulletin serves as guidance from the Nevada Division of Insurance ("Division") to all insurance companies regarding their obligation to provide coverage for COVID-19 vaccines, including the recently updated mRNA COVID-19 vaccine recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices ("ACIP") on September 12, 2023. Read More

Bulletin 23-001

The Division of Insurance (“Division”) has recently observed numerous inconsistencies and noncompliance in reporting by Service Contract Providers licensed and doing business in Nevada who are required to provide status reports to both Nevada consumers and the Division in respect to emergency repairs. In the event that emergency repairs are deemed essential to the health and safety of the service contract holder and render the dwelling unfit to live in because of defects that endanger the health and safety of the occupants, all service contract providers must adhere to the requirements set forth in Nevada Administrative Code 690C.110. Read More

Bulletin 21-001

This bulletin provides guidance to comply with NRS 679B.124 which requires the Commissioner of Insurance to develop, prescribe, and make available a form letter that a health carrier must use to notify a provider of health care of the denial of the application to be included in the carrier's network of providers. Bulletin 21-001 replaces bulletin 20-001.  

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Bulletin 21-002

The Division of Insurance (Division) is providing guidance related to individuals who are participating in the State’s Early Intervention Services Program (Program) as specified in Title 34 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), section 303. Title 34 of the CFR, section 5201, includes the provisions related to the use of public benefits or private insurance to pay for Part C services under the Program. As outlined in the CFR and specified in the system of payments and fees section of the State of Nevada Early Intervention Policy Manual2, Early Intervention Services (EIS) funding can be provided through private insurance as long as there is no direct cost to the family for the covered service.

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Bulletin 20-003

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted the demand for counseling, mental health support, and other services offered through employee assistance programs (“EAPs”). Nevada regulations provide a limited health service exemption to EAPs if no individual employee or member of an employee’s family consults with a representative, through the EAP, more than six occasions within any period of 6 months “or as otherwise approved by the Commissioner due to a state of emergency or declaration of disaster as proclaimed by the Governor . . . .” Read More

Bulletin 20-002

The purpose of this bulletin is for the Division of Insurance (“DOI”) to advise all insurance companies regarding compliance with certain filing requirements during the COVID-19 public health emergency. This flexibility is being provided in part to recognize that states anticipate using additional targeted information requests to gather more specific information and each insurer’s prompt attention to such requests is appreciated.

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Bulletin 20-001

Bulletin 20-001 is replaced by 21-001

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Bulletin 19-007

Various licenses under the Insurance Code require bonds to be filed with the Division for a person to qualify for the license. Nevada law requires sureties to give certain notice to the licensee and the Commissioner of Insurance before the bond cancellation can take effect because failure to maintain a bond is grounds for administrative action against a licensee.

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Bulletin 19-006

Effective January 1, 2020, all life and health insurers in Nevada must use the attached updated summary document describing coverage, limitations, and exclusions under the Nevada Life and Health Insurance Guaranty Association ("Guaranty Association").

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Bulletin 19-005

This bulletin provides guidance and a correction regarding the required notice for a carrier offering a health benefit plan for individuals that is not being purchased on the Silver State Health Insurance Exchange.

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Bulletin 19-004

This bulletin provides guidance and clarification regarding the issuance of a limited permitted practice to a property and/or casualty insurer domiciled in Nevada, applicable to the specific circumstances where any such insurer may be ceding premiums and losses to a reinsurer or reinsurers by means of a reinsurance agreement containing a swing-rate provision,

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Bulletin 19-003

This Bulletin is to inform that the grace period provided by Bulletin 15-006 has passed, full compliance with the NRS 682A investment laws enacted in 2015 apply to Annual Statements as of December 31, 2018. This Bulletin is also intended as a reminder of specific requirements in NRS 682A which apply to certain domestic insurers in the Property and Casualty lines.

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Bulletin 19-002

This Bulletin provides guidance for the requirement in Nevada Administrative Code ("NAC") 697.550 pertaining to the filing of an Early Surrender of a Defendant Form, and is not a comprehensive review of all laws and regulations applicable to early surrenders.

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Bulletin 19-001

This Bulletin amends Bulletin 14-008, which provided notice of the exceptions granted by the Commissioner of Insurance to Risk Retention Groups chartered in this State.

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Bulletin 18-007

This Bulletin amends Bulletin 14-009 and serves to provide notice to all title insurers and title agents, as well as to all real estate brokers/agents, mortgage brokers/lenders, and builders/developers, as to how the Division of Insurance interprets and enforces NRS 686A.130.

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Bulletin 18-006

This bulletin provides guidance and clarification regarding the due date for filing annual reports of third-party administrators (TPAs) pursuant to NRS 683A.08528.

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Bulletin 18-005

This bulletin withdraws Bulletin 15-001 - Requirement for Hospital Indemnity or Other Fixed Indemnity Insurance Plans.

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Bulletin 18-004

Bulletin 18-004 - Notice of Withdrawal of Bulletins 97-002, 11-006, and 13-006

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Bulletin 18-003

This Bulletin provides guidance from the Division regarding collection and charges permitted in connection with a bail transaction under the Insurance Code.

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Bulletin 18-002

This Bulletin provides guidance from the Division regarding collateral in connection with a bail transaction under the Insurance Code.

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Bulletin 18-001

Bulletin 18-001- Captive Insurer (Excluding Risk Retention Groups) Compliance with Financial Accounting Standards Board Accounting Standards ("FASB") Update ("ASU") 2015-09

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Bulletin 17-003-W

Notice of Withdrawal of Bulletin 10-005A

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Bulletin 17-002

This bulletin serves to remind service contract providers of the requirements for renewing a Certificate of Registration issued pursuant to Chapter 690C of the Nevada Revised Statutes.

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Bulletin 17-001

The Division issues this bulletin to remind insurers that any mathematical model used in underwriting or rating of any personal line of property and/or casualty insurance, or other line of property and/or casualty insurance subject to regulation of rates pursuant to NRS 686B.030, must be filed with the Division  for prior approval pursuant to NRS 686B.110.  

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Bulletin 16-008

This Bulletin is intended to inform issuers and the public that the four triggering events to establish the operative date of the Valuation Manual have occurred on or before July 1, 2016. NRS 681B.300.3.

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Bulletin 16-007

The purpose of this Bulletin is to inform carriers that changes to commission structures that were not included in rate filings may be an unfair method or deceptive act in violation of Nevada Revised Statute ("NRS") 686A.020, or may be unfairly discriminatory in violation of NRS 686B.050.

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Bulletin 16-006

This bulletin supersedes Bulletin 09-001 and amended Bulletin 09-001.

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Bulletin 16-005

This bulletin serves as a reminder to insurers of the standards that must be adhered to for motor vehicle liability and physical damage claims involving the repair of a vehicle, specifically the use of parts not manufactured for or by the original manufacturer of the vehicle being repaired (non-OEM parts).

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Bulletin 16-004

This Bulletin is intended to notify insurers that a failure to meet the requirements of NRS 680A.180.1 results in a certificate of authority's expiration by operation of law. The Division will provide notice of the failure(s) to the insurer prior to the expiration taking effect. Expiration of the certificate of authority does not relieve the insurer from its obligations under the insurance contract. NRS 685B.030 .5.

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Bulletin 16-003

Credit for Reinsurance standards for Captive Risk Retention Groups (RRGs) filing on a U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) basis

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Bulletin 16-002

This Bulletin applies to all 2017 health benefit plans in the individual and small group markets, as defined in NRS 689A and 689C, respectively, utilizing a network plan, and issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2017.

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Bulletin 16-001

This Bulletin applies to all 2017 health benefit plans in the individual and small group market, as defined in NRS 689A and 689C, respectively, utilizing a network plan, and issued or renewed on or after January 1, 2017.

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Bulletin 15-008

Absolute Liability in Motor Vehicle Liability Policies

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Bulletin 15-007

Guidance regarding the definition of small employer.

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Bulletin 15-006

Compliance with NRS 682A - Investments, which includes new defined limits for investments of domestic insurers

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Bulletin 15-005

Compliance with NRS 694C-Captive Insurers; Changes for Domestic Risk Retention Groups Regarding Independent Members of Board of Directors

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Bulletin 15-004

This bulletin is in regards to Consolidated Insurance Programs.

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Bulletin 15-003-W

This Bulletin withdraws Bulletin 13-008 and Bulletin 13-008R.

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Bulletin 15-002

The purpose and intent of this bulletin is to communicate the position of the Division of Insurance ("Division") to insurance carriers regarding a prohibition of the denial, exclusion or limitation of medically necessary health care services to covered persons on the basis of discrimination because of the covered persons' gender identity or expression.

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Bulletin 15-001

This bulletin was replaced by Bulletin 18-005. 

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2014 Bulletins

Archive of 2014 Bulletins

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Archive of 2013 Bulletins

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Archive of 2012 Bulletins

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2011 Bulletins

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